A film festival for young and old film talents
Although you will not find a full English version of our website, this short summary might provide you with the most relevant information about the Bundes.Festival.Film. If you have more specific questions about the festival, don’t hesitate to contact us at bundesfestival@kjf.de
Two competitions – one festival
The Bundes.Festival.Film. is the highlight of the two nationwide competitions German Youth Film Award (Deutscher Jugendfilmpreis) and German Generations Film Award (Deutscher Generationenfilmpreis). Both competitions are financed by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend) and organized by the German Centre for Youth and Children's Films (Deutsches Kinder- und Jugendfilmzentrum - KJF). Issued separately, they eventually merge at the Bundes.Festival.Film. As a cross-generational film forum, the event is one of the biggest and most famous festivals in Germany for filmmakers of all ages.
Every year more than 8000 participants join the competitions with about 800 submissions. The best of those films are presented at the Bundes.Festival.Film., where the filmmakers have the possibility to get in contact with their audience, to answer questions about the circumstances during the production and to give detailed information about their very personal experiences along this process. Finally, all winners are celebrated during a festive award ceremony.
Objectives and purpose
Personal exchange, an inspiring atmosphere and of course the great talents of the participants make the Bundes.Festival.Film. a very special event - for filmmakers and audiences, for beginners and advanced talents of all ages alike. Furthermore the cross-generational concept - based on a shared passion for film - leads to authentic and unusual impressions of the living environment of the respectively other generation.
The festival contributes to the professionalizing of upcoming film-talents. Many early productions of young film directors, who later pursued a professional career in film business, have been displayed at the festival in the past. The audience's feedback and networking with other participating filmmakers have been important experiences for their further artistic development and encouragement to follow their dreams. Beyond this, the festival is a forum for film projects out of educational contexts as well.
Deutsches Kinder- und Jugendfilmzentrum (KJF)
Katarzyna Salski | Festival Director
Küppelstein 34
42857 Remscheid
e-mail: salski@kjf.de
phone: (+49) 2191-794237